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Keeping An Open Mind

We often hear the call to “keep an open mind” in the context of politics…but what about our work? What about our marketing approach? Do we ignore demographics in our social media strategy? Do we put all our focus and attention into Facebook, for instance, but ignore Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram?

We sometimes forget to go where all out prospective customers are…which often means we do not close doors on certain platforms - however self-defeating company decisions have been in the past year or two - but instead maintain them all to maximize your presence and impact.

The more places we can be seen, the better for what we do. Take the time to show up and you will often be the one the client trusts with their needs. Presence, even virtually, through social media, carries tremendous power. So, keep your mind open and multiply your impact with a deliberate presence across social media in all its forms. Those forms will be your ambassadors and continue to work hard for you, yielding results years after you have deployed them.

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Make An Impression

Is your business making a positive impression? Do people even know you exist or what you offer? Use Design Doctor to help you make that powerful impression through a stronger web presence.




The quote featured here by Design Doctor was attributed to Calvin Coolidge for many years, and some still think he authored it. This is likely because it sounds like him, resembling his crisp, one could almost "machine-gun style" of expression. It was even attributed to McDonald's founder, Ray Kroc, by "Dear Abby" in the 1990s.

The quote originally appeared in the 1910s as recurring filler for magazines and various publications and it is likely there that a young lawyer-legislator named Calvin Coolidge first saw it in print. As for Mr. Kroc, who was but a young boy at that time, likely saw the old quote during any of his many jobs from Red Cross ambulance driver during the Great War to radio disc jockey for WGES. Whether these men ever saw the quote at all is immaterial. They lived its truth. They imbibed its power and turned its incisive observations into very real success. Coolidge would reach the pinnacle of world power in public office before he was sixty. Kroc, on the other hand, would not realize the extraordinary world-wide potential of McDonald's until after his fiftieth birthday. Yet, both men understand and still exemplify the immense relevance of this statement.



Fake or Authentic?

We all want to look our best in the public eye. Some succeed and are rewarded. Others fail and plummet in the most humiliating of fashions. Presenting what we do to customers is a constant balance between advertising what we offer without compromising our character and genuineness. 

When we study how others have mastered this challenge, we seek to learn the fundamentals, the essentials that transcend a particular time and place so that we may replicate the example good leaders bequeath us.

Calvin Coolidge was such a leader. Oh sure, he is little-known today and those who do know of him, have heard more of the caricature surrounding the mythical "Silent" Cal than the real qualities of the man. When we look for that more accurate understanding, it means going back past those whose prejudices and "axes to grind" have blinded them from accepting who the man truly was. One contemporary, who worked closely beside him in Coolidge's early Massachusetts career, is Benjamin Felt. Mr. Felt witnessed the intense days of 1919 when the police of Boston voted to walk off the job to go on strike, leaving the city defenseless before the opportunities of vandals, looters, and thieves in September of that very uncertain year. Seattle had already been virtually shutdown by strikes, would the great city of Boston follow suit?

Coolidge teaches us that our words need not indict us. We do not have to live with the regret of a rash guarantee, a hasty statement or pressured response. We fail to recognize the liberating truth that a person is rarely hurt by words never said. It is all the more amazing that Coolidge, contrary to his detractors, said plenty but he placed such care in his speech that he could live with himself and stand blameless before others.

Mr. Felt, assessing Coolidge's decisive response to support the city's police commissioner, relieve the striking officers and resist union pressure to restore them, saw character where others later would see political calculation. Later eyes would see the past as consisting of foregone conclusions. As events unfolded at the time, however, nothing was foregone, everything had to be worked out carefully.

Having followed closely the facts as they came in and knowing his hometown as he did, for Mr. Felt was from Boston, he knew that in Coolidge, there was no subterfuge, no facade compensating for a lack of virtue or ability. Felt put it this way,

"Budding statesmen, who study the Coolidge course, will early discover that he did not backtrack. There were never any contradictions about him. There were no upsetting discoveries to be met. Although he had been making speeches for years, none rose up to smite him. The more his record was investigated, the more like Coolidge it appeared. To a degree rarely equaled he had followed the course of his own charting. Having all his life been short on promising, he had no explaining to do over unkept promises. Persons disagreed as to the positions he took and as to the policies he adopted, but not as to the man. States which chose hostile legislators gave him their electoral vote. Aspirants for political honors may well study the singular career of Calvin Coolidge to discover how he came to have such a hold on the American people. If they seek to explain it in the development of a publicity technique, theu will be wasting their time. They can to better advantage look at something more fundamental than techniques, a sincerity of purpose and a genuineness of expression that carried its own conviction. No doctoring was needed to make it palatable" ("Some Points of View About Calvin Coolidge," Vermont History, October 1955: 316-7).

Successful business operates no less through the same principles. Customers see through the cheap attempt to "get by" on showmanship without substance, the thin veneer of self-promotion covering incompetence or worse, dishonesty. Remaining authentically yourself is what secures respect, not only with one's self and the marketplace but God.

Trying to win the sale whatever the consequences, taking people's money without regard for that greater commodity - trust built on integrity - may accrue results for a time but we never escape the heavy costs in the end. Judging the bridge of credibility as secondary to taking as much as one can, "burning bridges" so that others cannot access your revenue stream or customer base is but self-deception. It will be seen for the dead end that it is.

Good leadership makes good business. Whatever line of work we do, whatever product we offer, whatever service we provide, it can all be undone with a breach of trust, a break in dependability, a departure from integrity. We are all in the trust business then. That is why studying good leaders, men like Calvin Coolidge, sharpen us, as the proverb says, as iron sharpens iron.



The Importance of Being Online

Having begun a blog just over two years ago called "The Importance of the Obvious" on the political philosophy of Calvin Coolidge, it began a journey that continues to take on new and unexpected proportions. It not only gave expression to my fascination with history, my passion for current affairs, and my years of studying a President few know much, if anything, about -- but also ushered me into the world of web design.

This blog will serve a dual purpose, 1. To feature material about Mr. Coolidge published on the original website over at Wordpress; and 2. To showcase what Design Doctor can do to help your business on its way to reaching new customers and keeping current ones.

These two objectives may seem too divergent, even contradictory, to some. However, Mr. Coolidge, as you can learn on "The Importance of the Obvious," was quite interested in the future innovations of technology, as radio, air travel and even television were enthusiastically encouraged by him during his years leading the country.

Even more essential, though, is understanding Mr. Coolidge's ideas when it comes to technology serving us and not us serving material power. Virtue, truth and those things that are unseen values, he believed, were not beholden to wealth, position or glory. Material resources did not define them, control them or dictate the terms of life to them.

Our Declaration of Independence and all those Charters of liberty that followed from it, including our Federal Constitution, made this so because they rested not on who occupied the seats of government but on an eternal order of things, rights and responsibilities established by our Creator.

Coolidge understood that there is something more transcendent than material might. He once said that all the physical trappings of prosperity, affluence, and progress would become a "barren scepter in our grasp" without those timeless, eternal things that undergird and make the advancement of civilization possible.

Not everyone may agree with this but this does not make it any less true or more false. Just like the challenge of stepping into the vast world of web business, we grow when we seek to understand someone on their terms, in their world. Perhaps by coming to know Mr. Coolidge better we will find he has something worth teaching about human nature, better business, and stronger leadership within ourselves, our families, our country, and in all we do.
